
Dr. Till Fischer

Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Salary Partner, Berlin and Frankfurt on the Main
Tel. 030 - 20 64 19 - 0


Dr Till Fischer studied law in Gießen. After successfully passing his first and second state exams, he completed his doctorate in 2004 as a research associate at the Technical University of Darmstadt, specializing in German and International Public and Private Construction Law, with a dissertation focused on high-rise construction.

During his doctoral studies, he received his first teaching assignments in both public and private construction law, and began specializing in the relatively new interdisciplinary field of fire protection law.

After completing his doctorate, Dr  Till Fischer worked as an independent attorney specializing in construction and architects' law with a focus on fire protection law. Since then, he has primarily advised and represented industrial companies on fire protection law and operator obligations.

His expertise lies in specialized legal consultation and representation in the areas of industrial operator obligations, compliance, and various aspects of structural, operational, technical, and event-related fire and hazard protection as well as risk management. Dr Till Fischer is the only lawyer in Germany to hold both a specialist attorney title and the designation of “Specialist Planner for Preventive Fire Protection”.

He is also a specialist lecturer on fire protection law (e.g., for the German Bar Academy, IBR) and an author of numerous publications, including the books "Legal Practice for Fire Protection Planners" and "Strategies for Liability Avoidance in Fire Protection."

