Roman Schlagowsky
Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Tel. 040 - 46 89 92 - 0
Roman Schlagowsky commenced his legal studies at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, completing these in the summer of 2006 when he passed his first state examination at the Georg-August University in Göttingen. He then went on to do his traineeship within the jurisdiction of the Higher Regional Court of Celle, during which time he was already involved in working on construction law cases.Mid 2009, Roman Schlagowsky joined a medium-sized law firm in Lüneburg where he supported clients in both private and public construction law matters. Since then, Roman Schlagowsky has also dedicated himself to the field of criminal defense, a function that never ceases to be of relevance whilst construction projects are underway - with the continual flow of offences and criminal proceedings associated with them.
Since early 2013, Roman Schlagowsky has been supporting our team at our office in Hamburg. His activities are mainly focused on litigation and providing consulting services to the private construction law and public procurement law sectors. In these areas, Roman Schlagowsky devotes a large part of his time to supporting construction projects with legal advice, providing consulting services during award procedures, designing individual contracts, as well as representing the interests of our clients at state legal proceedings and before the public procurement tribunals throughout Germany. Based on his sound knowledge of foreign languages, Roman Schlagowsky is also continuously involved in successfully supporting large-scale, international projects which use English as the project language.
Additionally, Roman Schlagowsky appears as a speaker at construction and public procurement law seminars at a range of different institutions (incl. the Bauakademie Nord [construction academy for the Northern region], the Kommunales Bildungswerk e.V. [communal training institute] as well as at needs-focused, in-house training sessions for our clients. He is a member of the Hanseatic Bar Association in Hamburg, a specialist for construction and architect law and a partner at our firm.