Dr. Oliver Homann
Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht
Tel. 0221 - 29 21 94 - 0
Dr Oliver Homann has been practicing as a lawyer with a focus on advising customers in the procurement and construction law fields since 1996.In the private construction law sector, Dr Oliver Homann’s activities are focused on providing legal advice to major construction projects and on representing his clients on complex questions concerning supplemental services and warranties. He has achieved some impressive results for his clients through in-depth examination and analysis of the respective construction law problems - both during arbitration proceedings as well as before the ordinary courts of law. WirtschaftsWoche and Handelsblatt regularly list Dr Oliver Homann as a “highly recommended lawyer” in construction law in their nationwide rankings - as they did again in 2024. In Handelsblatt 2024 he is also listed as a recommended lawyer in the field of “Dispute Resolution”.
In the procurement law field, Dr Oliver Homann supports public contracting entities with the design of their award procedures on the one hand - ranging from drawing up the tender documentation and conducting the award procedure to the final award decision. On the other hand, Dr Oliver Homann also advises bidders on how to compile their tenders - supporting them throughout the bidding procedure until they have been awarded the contract. In addition, he has successfully represented the interests of his clients in numerous prestigious procurement review processes, in particular in the construction, IT and service areas.
Dr Oliver Homann holds diverse seminars on construction and procurement law and is often published in standard procurement law reference works. Furthermore, he regularly publishes contributions in the “IBR Immobilien- & Baurecht” real estate and construction law magazine and other construction and procurement law journals.
Dr Oliver Homann is a specialist for construction, architecture and procurement law and a member of the board of examiners for future procurement lawyers at the Bar Association in Cologne. He also lectures in procurement law at the University of Applied Sciences in Münster.
Dr Oliver Homann is a member of the Bar Association in Cologne