Hauke Meyhöfer
Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Tel. 040 - 46 89 92 - 0
Hauke Meyhöfer studied law at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel and abroad at the ICP Paris. He completed his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Schleswig-Holstein with stations in the building chambers of the Regional Court of Kiel and the Schleswig-Holstein Administrative Court, a major law firm specializing in real estate law in Hamburg and at the German Consulate General in Atlanta, Georgia. In addition to his studies and legal clerkship, Hauke Meyhöfer was a research assistant at a supra-regional North German law and notary firm.Since 2015, Hauke Meyhöfer has been working as a lawyer for Leinemann Partner Rechtsanwälte in Hamburg, where he focuses on private construction law and architectural law. He advises clients and contractors in the preliminary stages of contract drafting, during construction and after completion of the construction project.
A further focus of his work is advising on public building planning and building regulations law. Hauke Meyhöfer is your contact for questions relating to the German Building Code (BauGB), the German Land Use Ordinance (BauNVO) or the respective state building regulations (LBO), for example with regard to building permits, building regulations, planning approval procedures or neighboring building law.
Hauke Meyhöfer is a specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law and a member of the Hanseatic Bar Association. He is also a speaker at seminars and in-house training courses, particularly in the area of VOB/B and BGB construction contract law.