
Carola Schad

Tel. 040 - 46 89 92 - 0


Carola Schad began her studies with a 2-subject Bachelor's degree in Scandinavian Studies and Law at the Georg-August University of Göttingen. She extended her university education by studying law with a focus on private and public media law and completed her studies with a Bachelor of Arts and the first state examination in law.

She then completed her legal clerkship at the Braunschweig Higher Regional Court. During her legal clerkship, Carola Schad gained her first experience in the field of private construction law in a medium-sized law firm in Hamburg.

Since November 2023, Carola Schad has been part of the Leinemann Partner Rechtsanwälte team in Hamburg, where she mainly advises on private construction law.

Carola Schad is a member of the Hanseatic Bar Association.



2024 | Zeitschrift
Neues zum Baurecht 03/2024
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