Bastian Haverland
Fachanwalt für Bau- und Architektenrecht
Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht
Tel. 040 - 46 89 92 - 0
Bastian Haverland studied law in Göttingen and Hamburg . After training at the Institut für Anwalts- und Notarrecht [institute of law for lawyers and notaries] for a period of several months, he went on to complete his legal traineeship with stops in Lüneburg, Celle and Bielefeld.Bastian Haverland started his professional career at a medium-sized law firm specialized on private construction and procurement law. Here he supervised several public private partnerships (PPP) in the North German region - providing assistance with procurement law questions and the preparation of profitability comparisons. His legal activities are focused on providing legal advice during construction projects and procurement proceedings in the construction (VOB [German Construction Contract Procedures]) and services area, the healthcare sector, IT procurement projects, transport services, school transport, social services, engineering and planning services (VOL [procurement and contract procedures for supplies and services] and VgV [Regulation on the Award of Public Contracts]) as well as contract design, conducting procurement review proceedings before the awarding authorities and courts throughout Germany as well as conducting litigation cases before the state courts.
In addition, Bastian Haverland regularly publishes contributions in construction and procurement journals (“Immobilien und Baurecht - IBR” [real estate and construction law magazine] and “VergabeNavigator” [procurement navigator journal]) and collaborates on the “Neues zum Baurecht” [latest construction news] information service published by Leinemann Partner Rechtsanwälte. He is also co-author of the publication “Die Vergabe öffentlicher Aufträge” [the award of public contracts]. The Handelsblatt has recognized Bastian Haverland as one of the best lawyers in Germany in the field of “Construction Law” and “Public Private Partnership” in 2024. He is one of Legal500's recommended lawyers 2024 in public procurement law. At the 2nd Hospital Procurement Congress in 2010, Bastian Haverland spoke on the topic of the consequences of the latest procurement legislation on procurement practice. He supports contracting parties and contractors during the award procedure for services and supplies - both in the healthcare and IT sectors.
Bastian Haverland lectures at construction and procurement law seminars hosted by a range of institutions, such as the Bauakademie Nord [construction academy for the Northern region], Kommunales Bildungswerk e.V. [communal training institute], Behörden Spiegel [public sector magazine] and the Akademie für Recht und Steuern (ARS) [Academy for Law and Taxes] in Austria. During the winter term of 2009/2010, Bastian Haverland lectured on construction delays and hindrances as part of an additional qualification on private construction law offered by the Faculty of Law at the Phillips University of Marburg. He also speaks at in-house training sessions and procurement law days, such as the Austrian Procurement Law Day in 2015 and 2016 and the German Procurement Law Day in 2015.
Since August 2006, Bastian Haverland has been a welcome reinforcement at our Hamburg office. He is a member of the Hanseatic Bar Association, the German Bar Association, a specialist for construction and architect law and a partner of the firm. Since July 2016, Bastian Haverland has also held the official title of legal specialist for procurement law.