
Annett Hartwecker

Fachanwältin für Vergaberecht
Tel. 030 20 64 19 – 0


Annett Hartwecker studied law in Rostock. After completing her studies, she worked as a research assistant at a chair specialising in construction and environmental law at the University of Greifswald. She then completed her legal clerkship at the Hanseatische Oberlandesgericht with stages in Frankfurt am Main and at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer. In addition to her legal clerkship, Ms Hartwecker worked as a research assistant at a chair specialising in public law at the University of Hamburg.

Already during her legal clerkship, Annett Hartwecker specialised in both public procurement law and public law.

Annett Hartwecker began her professional career as a lawyer in March 2017 in the public procurement law team of an internationally oriented commercial law firm. In April 2021, Annett Hartwecker moved to the legal department of a federal company as an in-house lawyer, where she focused on the activities of the public procurement office. Since March 2022, she has been part of the Berlin team of Leinemann Partner Rechtsanwälte.

Her practice focuses on public procurement law, whereby Annett Hartwecker advises contracting authorities as well as bidders in public procurement procedures in the construction, supply and services sectors, but also represents clients in public procurement review proceedings. Additonally, Annett Hartwecker advises on public law, in particular planning and environmental law.

Annett Hartwecker regularly publishes articles on public procurement law.


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